Monday, December 1, 2014

Final Oral Exam

Video Three

Video Four

Video Five

Video Six

Video Seven

Video two

Remember what to do..
1. Talk about the main characters
2. Explain whats the story about
3. Talk about your favorite part and why?
4. What is the moral of this story, or the message that it has for you.
5. If you could made another end for this story, which would be?

Final Oral Exam

Good Afternoon!!

I found some short stories, look at them and shoose one, what you have to do is...:
1. Talk about the main characters
2. Explain whats the story about
3. Talk about your favorite part and why?
4. What is the moral of this story, or the message that it has for you.
5. If you could made another end for this story, which would be?