Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Use your bilingual skills in a good way

Being bilingual is really and advantage? 

The beneficts of being bilingual is that people think automatically that you are a genius!
No...seriusly,they do. They automatically assume you have some super-power brain that is finely tuned to picking up the nuances of every language in the world.

 But it depens of people, you can find others who said things like:"Think of the dumbest person you know. They speak at least one language fluently." - author unknown. -.-

For generations, we were told that raising children in two languages would leave them “confused.” The truth of the matter is that bilingualism does not, in any way, harm a child’s intellectual development. In fact, researchers are starting to demonstrate that bilingualism has a number of cognitive benefits

The point here is, that you feel free to create your own opinion, and reflect the next quote:

“Being bilingual help you to understand that not everyone sees the world in the same way, being bilingual has made me open and tolerant toward other people and cultures. I don’t have want to judge but to recognize and accept the differences that make the world so diverse and fascinating’’

 Albert Einstein and his definition of crisis

Topics for Oral Exam

''Crisis" is this word part of your rutine, or is on the black and unwanted list?
Maybe this headlines sounds boring to you, but it can really change your life.

“Let’s not pretend that things will change if we keep doing the same things. A crisis can be a real blessing to any person, to any nation. For all crises bring progress.Creativity is born from anguish, just like the day is born form the dark night. 
It’s in crisis that inventiveness is born, as well as discoveries made and big strategies. He who overcomes crisis, overcomes himself, without getting overcome. Who blames his failure to a crisis neglects his own talent and is more interested in problems than in solutions. Incompetence is the true crisis
The greatest inconvenience of people and nations is the laziness with which they attempt to find the solutions to their problems.There’s no challenge without a crisis. Without challenges, life becomes a routine, a slow agony.There’s no merit without crisis. It’s in the crisis where we can show the very best in us. 
Without a crisis, any wind becomes a tender touch. To speak about a crisis is to promote it. Not to speak about it is to exalt conformism. Let us work hard instead. Let us stop, once and for all, the menacing crisis that represents the tragedy of not being willing to overcome it.”