Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Future Trends

9th grade oral exam topics
Groups 1 and 5.

Trends get a bad rap, mostly because they are often equated with fashions.  Talk about trends and people immediately start imagining wafer thin models strutting down catwalks in outrageous outfits, or maybe a new shade of purple that will be long forgotten by next season.

Today, we’re on the brink of a new digital paradigm, where the capabilities of our technology are beginning to outstrip our own.  Computers are deciding which products to stock on shelves, performing legal discovery and even winning game shows.  They will soon be driving our cars and making medical diagnoses.  Here some trends that are driving it all.

  1. No touch interfaces.
  2. Massive online
  3. The web of things
  4. Perzonalized medicine
  5. Wereable computer is the watch, not the glass


  1. Hello teacher . Are those five sub-topics?

  2. No touch interfaces.
    Massive online
    The web of things
    Perzonalized medicine
    Wereable computer is the watch, not the glass

  3. yes salvador, if you open the link you will find more information
