Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Hello there!

I'm writing to excuse myself for not been at class today, i'm totally ill, i can't even talk, i pass hours at an emergency room last tuesday night, i was on pain trust me: pharyngitis ( an complicate sore thoat) is painfull when you talk, eat, breathe, swallow, cough, and specially when you do NOTHING. ;)

My doctor wanted me to take one week off, but  can't, its too much right? so i convince her just for a cuple days, so we will see each othe next monday, and i hope i will better enough to continue our classes.

Don 't forget your oral exam, i want everybody ready for next monday, we have to hurry. And of course, and cuz i'll be at home,you'll recieve some HW and activities, pease do it before this Sunday.

I'll  miss you all,
behave and be good!
With loveƚr teacher

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